Pepper x Binck - 10th of July 2022


Pepper had her first ever litter on the 10th of July.

All pups have gotten a great home and are doing great! I'm regularly getting updates about them and it's amazing to see them grow!

Here are some photo's from when they were here:

After giving birth to her five beautiful pups Pepper was doing great, she did everything right and was so excited to be a new mom.

All five pups were doing great as well, they drank good, stayed consistent with their weight and were active all the time (except when they were sleeping of course).

Ofcourse the pups got older and their eyes were starting to open up. They moved around a lot and Pepper still did an amazing job.

They started to eat some wet foods and couldn't get enough. At this point Pepper was happy they started eating more on their own but she didn't mind them still drinking milk from her.

Fast forward a couple of weeks the pups went on their first vet-visit.

They all couldn't care less about the needles. Almost all of them fell asleep on the table. They loved being in the car even though it was all new to them.

They were all declared healthy!